Oh No It s Broly Again Comic

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Legendary Super Saiyan Broly 29%

Omega Shenron 68%

Fight takes place on Mt. Olympus


Win by decease.

If Mt. Olympus gets destroyed they fight in outer space.


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Omega terrifies the Legendary Super Saiyan out of Broly...

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Reviews: 32

User Lists: 16

Broly's theme song is 10's from Pantera. He wins regardless of the issue of the boxing.

Avatar image for cgoodness

Didn't it take SS4 gogeta to fight Omega and a galactic spirit bomb to kill him? Oasis't watched DB in a while....

Avatar image for pope052


Yes, it did.

And It only took one dial from a boxing-worn Goku who was powered up by his battle-worn allies to impale Broly.

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@pope052: then from that testify I vote Omega

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omega shenron took gogeta ssj4 to be defeated

Avatar image for reikai

You know the "official" rating for Bone is over 3billion, and in comparison, Brolly by '2d Coming' was over 10billion easy. GT is a horrible piece of fail garbage and Battle of Gods neutered it at concluding.

Avatar image for hardcorefakes

So is in that location any reason why Broly doesn't get negative balled into dust? GT may be stupid, but he's ane of 2 characters from that serial who could stomp people from DBZ.

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you guys don't understand that brolly tin't lose without PIS....

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y'all guys don't understand that brolly can't lose without PIS....

Who told you that lie?

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Regular Broly loses.

DBM Broly on the other hand, well, that's a story for another time.

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Baby is wet trash. I'k talking about Gogeta at SSJ4.

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wasn't Omega Shenron stated to be the strongest DBZGT villain earlier Bills came into the picture. Omega Shenron stomps. lol at thee video game ability levels. @god_spawn@deranged_midget@vance_astro@mercy_ please lock this for beingness a mismatch

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Omega Shenron stomps and so hard, its not even funny.

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@hardcorefakes: i was joking, but seriously, when has he lost without PIS?

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Yes, it did.

And It only took i punch from a battle-worn Goku who was powered up by his battle-worn allies to kill Broly.

In the exact spot where he was stabbed equally a kid. Anywhere else that punch would've had no effect and Broly would have slaughtered anybody. And yes, that is complete PIS.

Omega Shenron too murderstomps.

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Goku did not punch Broly in his stab wound. that was already debunked.

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@xlab3000: From what was shown, Goku did indeed dial Broly in the stab wound.

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I'm not a Broly Fanboy. And I didn't side with Broly. I believe that Broly will be stomped past Omega Shenron and many other DBZ DBGT characters.

Goku reopened that stab wound and unleashed the free energy he gained from the Z fighters to defeat Broly.

Though that is not the only style for Broly to be defeated. Beings that are more powerful than him tin can easily kill him without opening that wound.

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@xlab3000: Goku only managed to beat S17 by using a Specific Weakness that he exploited.Something anyone else could've washed if they were smart about information technology. The same thing for Janemba, Hirudegarn, and other such villains. Brolly has no weaknesses to exploit.

The people who say "Oh it was stated that Omega Shenron was stronger" is just pure BS and backed by nothing than their own fan statements. Even the "official" PL rating has him Weaker than Goku. The whole GT series is and so fricken bogus they can't fifty-fifty practice scaling correctly. The GT rating had Omega Shenron at like 3billion. Goku as a SS3 at the end of DBZ was stated at 24billion.

GT is fail on a massive calibration. Bone has even legitimately destroyed a planet on his own that wasn't listed as a "possible" event, whereas Brolly nuked a milky way in an Underpowered Form.

Avatar image for the_last_kryptonian


Yes, information technology did.

And It only took i punch from a boxing-worn Goku who was powered upwardly by his boxing-worn allies to kill Broly.

Please don't mention PIS like it's an actually plausible feat....just don't.

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Shenron trounce 2 super saiyan 4s.

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Bills is a confirmed galaxy buster. OS being the strongest villain in DBZGT was a fact before Bills came in the film. so Goku(at the cease of DBZ) training with Uub for 10 years is weaker and then he was in DBZ that makes no sense. those are video game power levels. you practise realize dbz budokai 3 has alternate timelines. after yous fight Frieza on namek you can go later him again or fight Cooler. they even have Broly alive at the aforementioned time equally Majin Buu and that never happened in the anime. Super 17 couldn't attack while arresting ki blast. he was withal stronger than Goku. GT doesn't have him at that rating. the video game does. going by the video game PL final from frieza>super saiyan vegeta. there are no official power levels subsequently the frieza saga. it took Goku aUNIVERSAL spirit bomb(he had some of everyone's free energy) to beat Bone. Broly never destroyed the south galaxy. I know what yous're going to say he left New Planet Vegeta intact for Pegasus's plan. alright what about the other planet and stars Broly didn't destroy. watch 12:32-13:00


people say GT is weak because Goku got cutting by drinking glass and he couldn't lift a building. Goku(DBZ) had trouble lifting twoscore tons(base form) and had got hurt past a little rock(as a super saiyan). those are inconsistencies. lssj Broly is multi-solar system at best(since ssj2 gohan was able to land hits on him). if Broly busted the south milky way then why he fighting in the south galaxy. OWNED. if Broly is a galaxy buster then why were there stars and a gigantic planet left. OWNED. in the movie it's referenced he was destroying planets equally a ssj not a rssj. OS beats Broly and Broly isn't the strongest DBZGT grapheme get over it. read my big mail on http://world wide web.comicvine.com/forums/battles-seven/who-southward-the-strongest-dbz-not-gt-character-lss-broly-1473703/

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If Broly didn't dice and lived long enough to run across GT, his power level would accept kept increasing until he was at ssj4 gogeta level and mayhap even higher. With that said Shenron absolutely pile drives Broly in ridiculously easy fashion. Simply Broly never even got to train his potential. He could take hands been the most powerful on that show ever.

Avatar image for reikai

@xlab3000: GT was washed by a completely different writing team that had no two shits of a clue about anything in DBZ since they dropped Gohan'south mystic status and fabricated him a Super Saiyan once again. The entire GT bandage is weaker and their own damn numbers support this fact. Once more, Shenron'southward PL was 3billion. 6 at its highest bespeak. Goku in the Buu Saga equally a SS2 had a 6billion Power Level.

That means that Goku, Vegeta, and the entire GT bandage are Vastly Weaker than their DBZ counterparts. And this is because GT is Non-Catechism. Claiming that Os is "stronger" and that it'due south a "fact", doesn't make it a fact, especially when all the evidence proves that information technology's a pile of steaming monkey turd.

Brolly is a Movie Character and he already falls outside the Main Dragonball Canon. Shenron may be stronger than Prison cell, but who cares? Every version of Buu was stronger than Prison cell, and Brolly did more than all of them combined. GT'southward story was a garbage dump of terrible ideas. The only good ane was pleading with Toriyama to exercise the Concept Fine art. That's it. He never made it canon. He simply ever said that he thought information technology was entertaining. That'due south all.

Also, don't bother bringing up the stuff about the Southward Galaxy. It'due south been explained fourth dimension and again. Outer Rim Systems were demolished, just still there. All the planets were Dead with the exception of those Paragus used Tech to pump some life into for leading Vegeta around by the nose hairs. Again yous ignore the fact Brolly performed this feat while Underpowered. Brolly was, at best, in a Restrained Super Saiyan form because of the Command Circlet limiting and suppressing his power.

And despite that grievous limitation, Brolly had still all but annihilated the Southern Galaxy in a single attack. Because any other explanation that you can come with involves Millions of Years going by, which clearly is not happening, or Brolly is moving at trillions of times faster than lightspeed, which would make him THE Fastest Character in the Entire Dragon Ball Multiverse. And since we know that explanation doesn't fly, it means that the S Galaxy got turned from a rubber ball into a prophylactic ring in a matter of seconds.

What was Omega Shenron's biggest destruction feat? Oh wait, he doesn't even accept one. He only has a Speculated Possible future told past Old Kai as to what Might happen from his Negative Force over a Long Period of Time.

At present, what Multiplier would a Restrained SSJ take? Under 50x. Mayhap 25x at best. And so, and then we take that and await at what kinda ability the LSSJ would take, which by all evidence and showings places it high higher up SS2, with the added benefit of his power constantly increasing while in that form. And then, LSSJ has peradventure a Base of operations Starting increment of 250x, and and then gradually and constantly keeps growing the longer Brolly remains in that form.

And you really wanna know why the Genki-Dama beat out Shenron? Not even due to power. Shenron was Negative Energy. Genki-Dama was Positive. Positive and Negative attract and Cancel Out. To which Goku did in base of operations Kid Grade because at that point he was in full Plot Manner and Shenron was crapping himself.

"But Shenron beat out 2 SS4's!"...And? They don't fifty-fifty accept feats equal to SS1's in DBZ. Even the numbers brand them out to be complete chumps. To Brolly, numbers are meaningless. He did what took Birus a decade to prep to do.

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Bills is a confirmed galaxy buster. OS being the strongest villain in DBZGT was a fact before Bills came in the motion picture. then Goku(at the cease of DBZ) grooming with Uub for 10 years is weaker and so he was in DBZ that makes no sense. those are video game power levels. yous exercise realize dbz budokai three has alternate timelines. after yous fight Frieza on namek you tin can go after him over again or fight Cooler. they even accept Broly alive at the same time as Majin Buu and that never happened in the anime. Super 17 couldn't attack while arresting ki blast. he was still stronger than Goku. GT doesn't have him at that rating. the video game does. going by the video game PL final from frieza>super saiyan vegeta. in that location are no official ability levels afterward the frieza saga. it took Goku aUNIVERSAL spirit bomb(he had some of everyone's free energy) to beat OS. Broly never destroyed the south galaxy. I know what you're going to say he left New Planet Vegeta intact for Pegasus's programme. alright what about the other planet and stars Broly didn't destroy. sentry 12:32-xiii:00

http://world wide web.youtube.com/watch?five=UXrnBUV_03o

people say GT is weak because Goku got cut past drinking glass and he couldn't lift a building. Goku(DBZ) had problem lifting 40 tons(base class) and had got hurt past a little stone(equally a super saiyan). those are inconsistencies. lssj Broly is multi-solar system at all-time(since ssj2 gohan was able to land hits on him). if Broly busted the s galaxy and so why he fighting in the southward galaxy. OWNED. if Broly is a galaxy buster and then why were there stars and a gigantic planet left. OWNED. in the movie it'southward referenced he was destroying planets every bit a ssj not a rssj. OS beats Broly and Broly isn't the strongest DBZGT character get over information technology. read my big post on http://www.comicvine.com/forums/battles-7/who-south-the-strongest-dbz-non-gt-character-lss-broly-1473703/

That'due south similar maxim Hiroshima wasn't destroyed because there was rubble left over. How daft can you be? The s galaxy WAS destroyed, they were only fighting on remnants. And besides, if Broly destroyed EVERYTHING, his begetter wouldn't have been able to lure Prince Vegeta, and then yeah, huge hole in your logic. "Endemic."

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@reikai: ssj4 goku don't have feats compared to ssj goku lol. going by your logic Nappa would hands beat Ginyu since he doesn't have whatever urban center busting feats. Broly the fastest character in the Dragonball Multiverse lol. Broly did non annihilated the entire due south galaxy did you even sentry the movie. Broly was a ssj while destroying bits of the milky way he was non a rssj. Paragus would accept died forth time ago. going past official Guides Bills>Broly. Bills is the strongest moving-picture show villain. Bills defeated the z fighters in seconds and it took Broly minutes to do that. GT'due south numbers aren't official. it's just like you ignored my entire postal service. you go along going past video game power levels ssj2 vegeta pl 6 billion the video game also said ssj gogeta two.5 billion. so I estimate ssj2 vegeta>ssj gogeta. you are going by non catechism power levels. his power isn't rising that was a english dub fault. really the genkidama defeated beacuse it was positive energy and then what about ssj4 gogeta's big bang kamehameha that wasn't made of negative energy. Broly nowhere to being the strongest of the Dragonball Multiverse. fifty-fifty Majin Vegeta wrecks Broly. Omega Shenron was speulated to be a galaxy buster. your feat argument is flawed. so I guess Frieza can beat Jail cell since Cell has no planet busting feats either huh. at that place were other stars and a gigantic planet left non jus New Planet Vegeta did yous even watch the pic. reikai y'all make no sense at all, you go by non catechism fabric and yous brand up your facts. you are the worst Broly wanker I had ever met. you can go on proverb Broly is the fastest and strongest in Dragonball Multiverse all y'all desire but that doesn't change the fact he gets stomped by other DBZ and GT characters. now quit being a wanker.

@the_last_kryptonian: they were not fighting on remnants. how stupid tin can y'all be? what almost the other planet and stars Broly didn't destroy. sentinel 12:32-13:00
and then a destroyed galaxy has stars and planets left over. huge hole in your logic. OWNED. Broly is FAR INFERIOR to Omega Shenron go over it. @god_spawn@deranged_midget please lock this for beingness a mismatch

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ssj4 goku don't have feats compared to ssj goku lol. going past your logic Nappa would easily crush Ginyu since he doesn't accept any city busting feats.

And Male monarch Piccolo nuked a urban center in Dragonball then he's better than Shenron since Shenron never blew up anything meaning. And Ginyu did fire a blast so large it created a nuke event and he was just playing.


Hell earlier Recoome and Vegeta had fired blasts you could see from infinite.

Actually, GT is neglect. Its a proven fact. Wanking GT doesn't make information technology amend than DBZ or the movies. And all the numbers point to it existence inferior in every way. Should I also betoken out that Goku was getting worked on and tired out by a bunch of effeminate aliens and their bad music?

Avatar image for ssjlozza

You lot know the "official" rating for OS is over 3billion, and in comparing, Brolly by '2d Coming' was over 10billion piece of cake. GT is a horrible piece of neglect garbage and Battle of Gods neutered information technology at last.

At that place are no "official" power levels after Frieza saga, only estimates. Also Omega Shenron curbstomps. SSJ3 Goku would annihilate broly, let alone SSJ4- who couldn't fifty-fifty scratch Omega.

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@reikai said:

You lot know the "official" rating for OS is over 3billion, and in comparing, Brolly by '2nd Coming' was over 10billion easy. GT is a horrible piece of fail garbage and Battle of Gods neutered it at last.

There are no "official" ability levels afterwards Frieza saga, only estimates. Also Omega Shenron curbstomps. SSJ3 Goku would demolish broly, allow lonely SSJ4- who couldn't even scratch Omega.

Omega Shenron


Child Buu

Super Buu

Fat Majin Buu


SSJ3 Goku

SSJ4 Goku

SSJ4 Vegeta

Super Vegito

Super Gogeta

Super Perfect Cell


Super Janema

A long list of people that can beat Broly.

Avatar image for neongamewave

Omega Shenron murderstomps.

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Broly gets massively and utterly annihilated by Omega Shenron. Who cares if GT was poorly written or whatever. SSJ4 Gogeta and Omega Shenron were the strongest at the stop of the Dragon Ball/Z/GT universe and serial. Get over information technology.

Avatar image for ssjlozza

@ssjlozza said:

@reikai said:

You lot know the "official" rating for Bone is over 3billion, and in comparison, Brolly past '2nd Coming' was over 10billion easy. GT is a horrible piece of fail garbage and Battle of Gods neutered it at last.

At that place are no "official" ability levels after Frieza saga, only estimates. Also Omega Shenron curbstomps. SSJ3 Goku would annihilate broly, allow alone SSJ4- who couldn't even scratch Omega.

Omega Shenron


Child Buu

Super Buu

Fat Majin Buu


SSJ3 Goku

SSJ4 Goku

SSJ4 Vegeta

Super Vegito

Super Gogeta

Super Perfect Cell


Super Janema

A long list of people that tin beat Broly.

Yeah man, and there's more likewise. Let's non forget Ultimate Gohan; Gotenks; Hirudegarn and possibly Majin vegeta

Avatar image for reikai


No Caption Provided

Considering the visitor that owns DBZ put it out, that's as Official equally you're gonna get unless Toriyama comes out on stage to correct them.

At the end of the day, there is only one truth.

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Avatar image for cable_extreme

If Broly wasn't killed three times and was immune to progress and train in similar means to Goku, or if Goku didn't boxing him until broly got stonger hen he would stand a take a chance. But Information technology is a spite thread due to Broly having amazing potential, just was clipped off likewise early to stand agaisnt Omega.

Avatar image for date_masamune

I love Broly and Hate GT but Omega Shenron stomps.

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@dreadpool10 said:

@ssjlozza said:

@reikai said:

Yous know the "official" rating for OS is over 3billion, and in comparing, Brolly by 'second Coming' was over 10billion piece of cake. GT is a horrible piece of fail garbage and Battle of Gods neutered information technology at last.

There are no "official" power levels after Frieza saga, merely estimates. As well Omega Shenron curbstomps. SSJ3 Goku would annihilate broly, let alone SSJ4- who couldn't even scratch Omega.

Omega Shenron


Kid Buu

Super Buu

Fat Majin Buu


SSJ3 Goku

SSJ4 Goku

SSJ4 Vegeta

Super Vegito

Super Gogeta

Super Perfect Cell


Super Janema

A long listing of people that can beat Broly.

Yeah man, and there'due south more too. Let's not forget Ultimate Gohan; Gotenks; Hirudegarn and possibly Majin vegeta

I was just nigh to add together Gotenks to that list before I posted it.

Avatar image for ssjlozza


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Considering the company that owns DBZ put it out, that'due south as Official as yous're gonna get unless Toriyama comes out on phase to correct them.

At the stop of the day, there is simply i truth.

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No ability-level after Frieza saga is considered catechism, but tell me, where did you detect that nautical chart?

Avatar image for reikai

@ssjlozza: It's a scan from a V-Leap magazine produced b Viz Media and Funimation Entertainment. Which means it's Company Official. The meridian 3 canon sources would be Toriyama > The Company (Viz/Funimation) >/= Daizenshuu, after which is the Manga as the Main Universe, everything else is secondary, and GT is not-canon.

The Daizenshuu was made with Toriyama's approval at the time, after which the Company took over and they fabricated further bits in the Five-Jump magazine, which makes them Official unless Toriyama himself comes out to say the figures are incorrect. He hasn't done and so, which ways the numbers are either close to what he was thinking, or they don't bother him at all and he doesn't feel like thinking almost math and such. The bear witness wasn't meant to be complicated anyway.

And I'chiliad all the same waiting for all these people to fifty-fifty bring out one shred of bodily proof that Shenron could win too failed powerscaling when GT PL chars fall and then incredibly low. Because if we wanted to go by powerscaling, well then, let'due south factor in Time since existence dead doesn't stop yous from getting stronger equally proven by DBZ at large.

Lesse. Goku in Buu Saga had a base PL of 60mil. In Cell Saga it was closer to 30mil. Then in a span of 7yrs Goku doubled his base of operations level via preparation as opposed to Zenkai. Boxing of Gods is 5yrs after the finish of DBZ, by which time Videl is simply pregnant with Pan, and Pan is around xiv past the end of GT, so the end of GT is like 20yrs later on DBZ. Then fair gauge that by Power Scaling, Goku's PL should be triple what it was during the Buu Saga by DBZ terms (since GT is actually much, much lower).

Brolly's base PL when unrestricted in Movie viii would be effectually 37mil, so he was stronger than Goku at base. This is applying that his LSSJ transformation is twice the increase of a SS2, which seems logical given he was backhanding SS2 Gohan in Movie x and overpowering 2 SS2's and a SSJ quite easily before Plot Device was introduced. So, say, LSSJ has base increase of 200x and and so gradually increases college the longer he is transformed.

7yrs later, 2nd Coming, Goku'due south PL as a SS2 is 6billion, Gohan as a SS2 is 5billion. Goten should be around i-2billion equally a SSJ (SSJ Gotenks is 4billion so that'due south added with Trunks and then doubled at least past the fusion ability). So looking at a 11-12 billion total PL output, not adding any of the Family unit Plot-Ability increase that gets thrown in, which may put that into the 20billion+ range. To which LSSJ Brolly was nevertheless quite easily beating with his attack.

But even, say, his PL was 15billion for that. His base would be 75mil. Then nosotros triple that for 20yrs of rage increase. So 225mil at least. LSSJ at 200x increase would exist 45billion. And that's being reasonable. And if we follow the line that his transformations are double normal strength because of his status, and then nosotros look at LSSJ3. Normal SS3 is 400x base, then if the LSSJ deal holds true, that makes it 800x for Brolly. Which would theoretically put his "GT" level at 180billion.

Simply, you know what Bandai (that works with Viz, Toei and Funimation) put Omega Shenron's level at for Scouter Battle Taiken Kamehameha? one.9billion. That's it. Only on Fan Sites will you come across higher numbers. And their highest number for Omega Shenron, was 9.3billion. Evenon Fanbased Forums, his ability is nothing to what's being issued for the DBZ cast. Even the Fans who put up outrageous ability levels for their favorite characters, still get dragged down past the awe-inspiring neglect that is GT.

By all their own internal arguments and sources from GT, Omega Shenron loses flat out to SS3 Goku in DBZ, nevermind trying to stand up upwards against milky way-nuking Brolly.

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Omega wins because it is obviously common sense.

SSJ4 Goku or Vegeta > LSSJ Broly

Omega Shenron > SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta.

SSJ4 Gogeta > Everyone.

Avatar image for reikai

@pope052: Feats.

Galaxy Busters: Brolly, Birus (Bills)

Non-Milky way Busters: EVERYONE ELSE

Q:Who wins in a fight between a Galaxy Buster and a Non-Galaxy Buster of relative speed?

A: Who exercise y'all F*@KIN think? The Galaxy Buster.

This is fact and mutual sense rolled together. Whatsoever other argument is irrelevant and moot past the simplicity of this fact.

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Omega in a stomp, huge Stomp. IBL

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@pope052: Feats.

Broly is no where near Omega Shenron'southward level. Broly isn't even a milky way buster.

Avatar image for ssjlozza

Why is everyone just maxim that whoever has the best feats has to win? DBZ doesn't and never has worked like that. Don't discuss it as if it's a comic when different rules apply, or else you'll end up at the determination that Frieza>Cell, Buu>Vegito, Master Roshi> captain Ginyu etc etc. DBZ debaters rarely judge a grapheme purely on feats, because DBZ similar another mangas doesn't rely on that system. Comic debates are known to rely heavily on feats, which is more likely one of the reasons information technology'due south and so piece of cake to approximate who's the strongest/fastest by the largest thing they've destroyed and the fastest speed they've moved in recent years. I love comics and I love DBZ, but they require separate styles of analysis, which is in truth i of the main reasons Screwattack got Goku vs Superman wrong imo- they failed to apply powerscaling, the most of import method of deciphering how powerful a DBZ character is. No graphic symbol has ever lost to someone weaker than a graphic symbol they accept defeated previously, unless it's because they are low on free energy.

In essence, Broly being a galaxy buster is more or less meaningless, except that information technology suggests that all tardily Z characters are.


Source: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/broly-vs-omega-shenron-1488661/

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